WQWK: it's nothing personal xXD Own War DXx: haha. xXD Own War DXx: did want it to look badly on us. xXD Own War DXx: i think she thought when i handed in the band brawl cd, that ment it was radio playable. WQWK: lol...you had an impressive press kit. i have to tell you that... it's just that the demo isn't air quality xXD Own War DXx: yeah. it's live xXD Own War DXx: our new live tracks are better quality. xXD Own War DXx: thanks though. xXD Own War DXx: we're hoping to get the album finished by end of summer. xXD Own War DXx: full-length; self-produced. xXD Own War DXx: clean and editted versions even. haha. (for family and siblings) WQWK: niice xXD Own War DXx: but that's cool that u liked our kit. thanks! it means alot.